понеділок, 25 жовтня 2010 р.

Learning Environment

A school uniform is also said to remove many distractions from the classroom, forcing students to focus more on education. When given freedom in dress codes, students tend to wear things that are counterproductive to learning, such as:
Provocative clothing
Unusual or distracting hair styles
Noisy jewelry
Bright, inappropriate makeup

Without the distractions of fashion, many educators believe that learning will improve.
Economical Advantages

Proponents say that uniforms are much less expensive for parents, as they have less clothing to buy. In schools with one required uniform, most students only need one or two sets. Although wear and tear on the clothing could be considerable, proponents still say that uniforms are much more economical than the usual brand name fare that many students would otherwise wear.
Increase in Self Esteem

Proponents also believe that uniforms are helpful for lower income children, who are unable to afford the latest styles. Students who are dressed in discount or tattered clothing are often teased and ridiculed by more affluent classmates. This can be a huge blow to a developing ego. Many experts think that uniforms eliminate the class and social distinctions that normally exist in schools

7 коментарів:

  1. In my view, school uniform is uncomfortable and not pretty. Wearing this uniform, we look almost the same, and I don't think anybody likes it. I'd like to make it more modern and pretty.
    Ella Yevtushenko.

  2. It is not bad but it is not good. I want to wear casual clothers.

  3. I hate our school uniform because it's uncomfortable and it makes us ugly. But I don't want to cancel it, because if it is cancelled, there will be nothing to hate in school.
    Natalia Derevianko.

  4. I think that our school uniform is very ordinary, banal. I'd like to cancel any uniform.
    Kate Levchuk

  5. I don"t like our school uniform, because it"s banal and dull.
    But it" s quite useful way to concentrate our attention on education.In such a way we can forget about our social unaquality and to spend less time choosing clothes.
    But now there are a lot of other ways to show your personality or social posessins like watches, mobile phones and others.
    I don"t think it is good, but I can"t say it is bad,'cause we must have a chance to show our personality likes and dislikes.

  6. In my opinion,our school uniform is very terrible.I'd like to cancel uniform and I'd substitute it by a free uniform.And i hope that a school uniform will be changed.
