понеділок, 25 жовтня 2010 р.

Defining School Uniforms

Even among folks who support mandatory school uniforms, there is a wide range of ideas about what constitutes a uniform. In some school districts, students wear a true uniform, where all students must wear identical clothing. These are often similar to uniforms seen in traditional private school settings. In less rigid districts, students are given choices from several acceptable options. For example, a flexible school uniform policy might require:
Blue or khaki slacks, shorts, or skirts; no jeans.
White, blue, or red collared shirt.
Neat and clean hair.
Pants belted at the waist.

5 коментарів:

  1. We have interviewed some pupils from our class. Here is what we knew.

    Our school uniform is stupid. It's very uncomfortable. We don't wear standart uniform, but we try to find a compromiss. We'd like to cancel school uniform.
    Dasha Moiseenko and Natasha Kosenko

    I don't like uniform. It's very primitive. Though I wear it every day, I'd like to cancel it.
    Kolia Savluk

    I like our uniform. It's black and I like this colour. Also I think it's rather pretty. I don't like to change something.
    Nastia Kudlins'ka

    I don't like our school uniform because it's horrible. I want to have free uniform in school.
    Alina Shpak.

    I don't like uniform too, but I try to find a compromiss. I usually wear black jeans and a black jacket.
    Kristina Chaplygina.

    I think our school uniform is rather nice. Bu I don't like gimnasium stamps. Also I don't understand why jewelry and make-up is forbidden.
    Daryna Muravets'ka.

    I don't care about school uniform, 'cause I don't wear it.
    Oleg Slobodyan.

    I don't like jackets. They are uncomfortable. I don't want to change anything in school uniform, but I'd like to change chairs for more comfortable and softer.
    Illya Samilenko.

  2. Although most pupils don't like school uniform, it should be worn, because wearing it we don't feel we are different in economical meaning.

  3. We are working!











